Overdue Update time as usual.
I've barely touched any cross stitch in about 2 weeks. Not sure why, just can't seem to get motivated to work on the wips or even to start anything new. Earlier this week I got some loverly stash from 123stitch and today I got the supplies to start one of the charts. Several of them are for Christmas gifts so I really need to get in gear!! I'm going to attempt stitching on 28ct evenweave for the first time. Wish me luck!

I also started a small crochet project to work on while in the car. I haven't crocheted in at least 6 months, it was nice to finally do it again. I tried to do cross stitch in the car but it's hard to count squares when the road isn't very smooth. Also with crochet it's just one continuous piece of string, no separating strands of floss and rethreading the needle.
Ok, one reason I haven't been stitching is because last week I discovered swap-bot.com. I've really been enjoying seeing all the different crafty things people there like to do and trying some things out for myself. I finally have a use for all the random bits of craft stuff I have laying around!
I made these stitch markers for one of the first swaps I signed up for. I'm really happy with how they turned out. I have a lot of beads, I see a lot of stitch markers in my future.

I also decorated this matchbox to put the stitch markers in. The receivers favorite colors are purple, pink, gray and brown so I tried to use them all.

I have several more matchboxes in various stages of decoration. Who knew decorating matchboxes would be so much fun? Now if only I could find a use for all those matches!