I told you I was a procrastinator! Anyways, after finally finishing the Whitney-ghan I was kinda burned out on crochet. Yes, you read that right, I finally finished something!!! The centerpeice is so close to being done you'd probably slap me if you knew how close. The baby blanket is also a lot closer to being done though I don't remember how close at the moment. I haven't touched any crochet in months. I think I used up all my ambition on the Whitney-ghan and then my procrastination went into hyperdrive.
Almost done

Finally finished!!....now what do I do with it?

Reverse single crochet edge

So now my latest obsession...hobby is cross stitch. While looking for a quick and easy little cross stitch kit to try out I picked up a crewel embroidery kit instead. In a way it's easier than cross stitch because you don't have to count all those little squares, you just fill in the spaces like a paint-by-number. You probably won't believe that I finished it in less than two weeks!

I've already started working on a new cross stich project. See!