Saturday, June 14, 2008


I finally managed to get a bit of crafting done.  My little kidlets aren't making it easy lately.  I'm sure it's not going to get any easier since Noah figured out how to crawl yesterday!

Oh, before I forget for the millionth time.  Thank you Val(yarnigras) for the apron and bookmark!!!!  I love them and will try to get pics soon of the apron in action.  P.S. I've been behind on my blog reading lately so I'll probably be sending a bunch of comments your way when I play catch up.

I signed up for a Recipe chunky book swap and here is what I came up with.  I made the pages pretty big, 6 inch square, so I could fit the recipes on easily.  I couldn't find as many cooking embellishments as I would have liked.  Well, today I saw a whole bunch that would have been perfect, never fails.


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I've also been stitching along on the wedding square (after the kids go to bed).  It needs to be in the mail by the end of July so hopefully I can keep up the pace.  The light blue is half stitches which helps a ton.  I can't wait to see how it looks without the waste canvas!

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