I keep buying more and more stuff and then I feel guilty because I never seem to get anything done. I need to get more organized...and a babysitter would be nice. Paige is heading into the terrible twos and getting a lot of practice in with the tantrums (even as I type this she's throwing a huge fit because I had the nerve to try to change her clothes!) Noah is pretty happy most the time but sometimes he wants to be held all day which makes it difficult to do anything, even with the sling.
Anyways, a friend has twisted my arm...I mean convinced me to start an Etsy shop. We'll see how long that takes for that to happen. I already set up the account, now I just need to make something to sell....someday.
To show that I am actually doing something. Here is a cross stitch I started last week. It's for the husband's cousin who is getting married this fall. The cousin's fiance's family has mailed everybody a 12 inch square of fabric to decorate. The squares will be made into a quilt that will hang over the couple when they say their vows. I decided to use the pattern from this kit and changed the colors to the wedding colors. This is my first time using waste canvas so I hope it works out. Stitching on a white grid over white fabric with light gray floss is not easy!!!
Here is the beginnings of a pair of wool shorts I'm making for a friend on LJ. She has recently entered the world of cloth diapering and having entirely way too much fun with it!
And just because I love to torture myself I started a Crochet-along in a crochet group on Swap-bot. The theme is Circle in a Square and each week I post a new square. My goal is to make four of each square. Right now we're on the second square. The four on the right are from the first week. They're all the same size, the camera was at an angle. The other square is from this weeks pattern. It came out a little bigger than the others so I need to adjust the last round a bit.
This will be a blanket for Paige. I really wanted to try satin binding on this one but it cost a bit more than I thought so I just got the usual kind. I thought the bunny looked like she was ready to go to bed so I picked out the blue star fabric for the back.
Gotta love sales!! More future blankets, possibly for the Etsy shop. These have binding too, I forgot to add them in the pic.
And finally, the husband has a blanket/tapestry of dogs playing poker so when I saw this kit in the sale bin I had to get it.